Talk Suicide Support

Talk Suicide Support provides outreach support to individuals, families and friends of those at risk ,15 years and over, in the Brisbane area and surrounds.

The Talk Suicide Support Model provides strengths-based, person-centered, non-clinical Outreach Support guided by lived experience that strives break down barriers to access and fill the gap between crisis response and clinical interventions. Our experienced Coaches and Mentors work with individuals to promote SAFETY. Through in-depth safety planning and authentic conversations, we guide and encourage the development of internal awareness and skills to manage suicidal thoughts and future challenges that life may present by tapping into the persons existing skills and resources to do so.

The support we offer ranges from brief intervention through to advanced skill building dependent on each individuals needs, goals, capacity, and willingness to actively participate in their journey toward hope.

Our Coaches and Mentors use a range of tools such as motivational and mindfulness based strategies however the greatest tool in our toolkit is in our humanity. Simply showing care, compassion and giving our time, can and does save lives.

The Talk Suicide Support Team coordinate a wrap around continuum of care response and work collaboratively with agencies, services and informal supports, whilst maintaining a supportive role with the person contemplating suicide and their support network while their specific needs are identified and addressed.

The Talk Suicide model of service is different but it works. Talk Suicide Support and Safety coaching is organic and flexible to meet the needs of those accessing the service. Our support team meet with people in a safe place, often outdoors, that is a relaxed and neutral environment. We aim to promote environments conducive to authentic conversation and establishing a supportive relationship based on confidence and trust to help develop the awareness of self, suicide, skills, and supports available to survive suicidal thoughts and behaviors both now and in the future.

Talk Suicide Support operates between the hours of 9:00am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday providing face to face, telephone and web based support services.

Personal Stories

A word from those we have helped…

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© 2025 Suicide Prevention Pathways

Website by WiredLANs

Outreach, phone and online support for those 15 years and over.

1800 008 255